The Only Auto Transport Lead Provider With Money Back Guarantee
The Only Auto Transport Lead Provider With Money Back Guarantee
How Much Does it Cost to Get Auto Transport Leads as a Broker or Carrier?
If you are an auto transport broker or an aspiring auto transport broker, you already know that getting leads and converting them into sales is basically the core of your business. The idea is straightforward, but many auto transport brokers who are new in the business have a lot of punctual questions about how the system works. One of the main ones is: how much are auto transport leads?
How much do auto transport broker leads cost? The truth is, there’s no straight answer, as each broker has a different approach, availability, or budget. Some brokers can only contact leads for two hours a day in their free time, while others do this as their 9 to 5. Some brokers spend 30 minutes on the phone with a client, while the most sales-driven ones can finish a conversation in 5 minutes and get a clear result.
Auto transport lead providers know that each broker has a different capacity and need, so they include various bundles in their offer. What is the price range you can expect as a broker? It depends on a few parameters.
The price of auto transport leads usually starts at $2.00 per lead, and goes up as the list of brokers you’re sharing leads with becomes shorter. When comparing lead offers, you will notice that most providers will ask $2.00 per lead when sharing with 6 or more brokers and go up to over $4 per lead shared with 3 others. If you want to be the exclusive referral, you will pay as much as $18 per lead.
Leads come in bundles, and they are provided to you in real-time daily, weekly, or monthly, with an agreed limit per batch. The bundle you choose should not only be influenced by your budget, but also by your capacity to process the leads you get. It makes no sense to purchase a large bundle of leads if you won’t have time to process them.
Another factor that will dictate the price you pay per lead is the quality of the provided lead, which is defined by your return of investment. In the auto transport broker industry, there is no guarantee that you will get sales from your lead provider. It depends a lot on your own skills and resources. But lead providers can select premium leads that give you a better chance of making a sale. The price per lead will be higher, but your chances of selling will raise as well.
As you can see, price is an important indicator, but not the only factor you must consider when deciding to buy auto transport leads. If you are taking this step:
Lead providers compete against each other, and fight to provide the best experience to their clients. Auto Transport Broker Leads aims to provide more than just good quality leads. Our money-back guarantee, together with advanced validation and optimization systems, is aimed to make our clients partner up with us in the long term.
Our offer varies from $ 2.00 to $ 4.00 per lead, depending on your needs.
If you are looking for an offer or have any questions about the auto transport lead system, contact us right away and give your broker business the boost it needs, or order auto transport leads now.
If you’re ready to get started with Auto Transport Broker Leads, please contact us right away. We’d be happy to provide you with more information about pricing, integrating our real-time lead database with your sales management software, and much more. Our team is always standing by to answer your questions, and provide you with more details about our automotive lead generation services.